As a rule of thumb, anything that cannot be sustained on 4 pips to WEP is too heavy for the distributor and will put you at a disadvantage in high pressure situations. The weapon loadout should be designed with the distributor in mind. High DPS weapons usually don't have much ammo. vino Uljepajte Sjajno Elite: Dangerous (Beta 2.2.03) Beam Laser.

If mixing thermal and kinetic weaponry, the latter should be put on the larger hardpoints and the former on the smaller.Ī balance has to be found between DPS output and ammo dependancy. => A mix of the two is great to have, but if only one damage type is chosen thermal is preferable. Kinetic Damage performs exceptionally good against stock hull Kinetic Damage is bad against stock shields, as these have good resistances against this damage type. Thermal Damage is also good against stock hull. the majority of PvE enemies), as these have a weakness to this damage. Thermal Damage is good against stock shields (aka. Don't Panic, mods will review it ASAP.In PvE two major damage types are relevant, Kinetic and Thermal. Post/comment not appearing? It may have entered our AutoModerator's event horizon. Read the Subreddit's Rules and Removals Info Page before posting